Preliminary Task – Selecting Music

While me and Trishila were working on editing the final film, Abie was looking for good music to use that were suitable for our genre and style of film, though we have voice audio we thought that it was a good idea to show all our skills in film editing and creating a good film. There was scenes that we had silent as there was unnecessary sound throughout the shot. We thought it would build suspense for the audience to have interesting music that match the beat of the sounds in the scenes and the movements!!

Abie looked through a lot of music and background sounds and found two music pieces that worked excellently with the shots.


We thought this music was great as it matched the genre of the film, we are planning on putting the music in the silent scenes where we have an extreme close up of all three actors eyes. This will give the audience a sense of tension which is what we are aiming for. Our plan is to only have the music in those scenes and the second part of the match on action scene is where the music will begin. By the end of the scene we will fade out the music replacing the music with the audio of the actors speaking.

Exit the Premises

Abie showed us this piece of music, thinking that we could use the first 6/7 seconds of it for the background sound to the low shot of the actor walking, as the heels make a loud sound that matches the rhythm of the music we thought the sounds would complement both each other.